I have been "vaping" for about 4 years now, and I have to say it is the way to go when cutting back on cost of cigarettes, which are ever rising, as well as helping me to breathe better and smell less smokey. When the kids are in the car, the outdoors are unaccommodating, or the no smoking sign is looming, electronic cigarettes are an easy solution to many issues facing smokers today. I'm not a die hard fan, but I have come to learn that all E-cigs are not created equal. Here's what I've found:
- NO NJOY! Their liquid is poor, and the atomizers always fall apart. Don't waste your money.
- Cartomizers are better than atomizers+cartridges.
- Chocomint e-liquid tastes like Andes mints. YUM.
- Kanger horizontal cartomizers have the best and most consistent throat hit.
- 510 sized E-cigs have the best throat hit/battery life ratio.
- Darker E-liquids will burn up carts faster than clearer ones.
- 24mg liquid feels the most like a real cigarette.
- Buy online, NOT at a mall kiosk You will likely get ripped off at a kiosk. Check the online prices first, I find them to be cheaper 90% of the time.
- Charger packs and car chargers don't help without a backup battery. Just buy an extra battery and keep it charged, two if you're a heavy user. Frivilous accessories are commonly marked up and aren't really required to use the E-cigaretrte.
- Vaporsavers is a good online company to buy from, they have good prices and quality hardware.